Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thirsty Thursday: K-Cup of the Week

It's that day of the week again: Thursday. The day everyone does #Throwbacks on Instagram (where you should follow me @elleohelle86, by the way....), the day college kids go out and party and miss their 8 ams the next day, and the day that I, MissGlamBAM, nominate my K-cup of the week.

If you missed last week's episode, you can read it here.

This week, my pick came in a box of free samples I requested from (see picture below)

This isn't sponsored by Target and I'm not partnered with them or anything (they don't even know I'm tellin y'all dis), but I just thought I'd share since I signed up for these and some Clearasil wash! Someone posted the link on Twitter, I applied, answered a couple survey questions, and these were in my mailbox 2 weeks later!

The box was super cute and I show it in a haul I just edited that probs won't be up for a week or so, and it came with 4 Snapple K-cups, 2 peach and 2 lemon iced teas, and then a coupon for $2 off. And you all know how much I love coupons, so I was super excited. 

I've always wanted to try these! My favorite this week, to my own surprise, is actually the Snapple Lemon Iced Tea Brew Over Ice K-cup. Normally I'm more of a peach person and love the bottled version of it, but for some reason I've been reaching for the lemon ones this week and haven't even touched the peach ones. 

I like these because they're just as sweet as the bottled ones, but taste more fresh, since you just brewed it in your Keurig and all. The lemon isn't tart, and as someone who usually despises lemon-flavored things, these have a perfect iced tea taste in my opinion. It's not that artificial flavor of iced teas you buy from a vending machine, nor is it that super sugary-sweet flavor you get from sweet teas- it's a perfect in between that has a little grit and bitterness to it, but also a lot of sweet and fruity flavor. They're just great!

Brew Over Ice K-cups never really work that well for me....I put an entire ice cube tray in the cup, and then the cubes are all melted two minutes later and my drink is still half I like to brew it over ice, pop it in the fridge for 10 minutes, then add more ice, and THEN it's truly cold. Just a tip (:

What's your favorite tea or coffee drink this week? Do you have a Keurig? Have you mastered the technique of Brew Over Ice K-cups yet? (cuz I sure haven't....awkz)

Thanks for reading,
xox Elle

P.S. Be sure to check out the new beauty video I uploaded today! 

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