Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rave Girl Halloween Tutorial! (Picture on my Channel Background!)

Hey Angels, thank you all for watching this extravagant and funky makeup tutorial, and I hope you enjoyed! Tweet me a picture if you try it out and I hope each and every one of you has a Happy Halloween, or Sweet 16 if that’s what you’re wearing it too, like I did! (: Fun fact: I took about half an hour of footage between this and my False Eyelashes video, and it took me a few days to edit which is way longer than usual because there was so much to add to it! Hope you enjoyed all of my hard work.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Secret Videos!

Hey Pretty People! Since I've been slower with my videos lately and have decided to downgrade my upload schedule a little bit, I thought I'd take up a big more blogging! The Fowler girls always seem so excited to post on theirs, and they also keep to a rigorous schedule. For now I just post whenever things come to mind or there are announcements, but that might change once I get the hang of what the heck I'm doing!(;

Anyways, as you see in the title, this is a quick blog post for my followers/fans/subscribers that's an exclusive only to YOU- yes you, reading this vlog in your comfy pajama pants! Because you'll know all about elleoenigma videos before they even come out- that's what I mean by secret videos! 

So these are the videos I've filmed but either still need to edit or to upload onto my (non-existant) vlog channel! I'm still going to keep some a secret for my own reasons, but hopefully this will get you guys excited for this new fall/winter season of my channel! They're not in any order either...I always try to think of uploading orders, but then they always changed based on what events or holidays are coming up, blah blah blah.

So here you go, your own VIP pass to what's coming to my channel within the next few weeks!

*Rave Girl Halloween Makeup Tutorial
*Fall Makeup Haul
*New School Vlog- I'm actually not sure if I'm going to upload this because it's a little late, but if I get some special requests or a change of heart, I might change my mind!(:
*Party Hair, Makeup, & Outfits
*A mystery tutorial...don't want to give it away just yet! But...I did happen to tweet a picture of what it looks like a few weeks ago..hint, hint(;
*Products I've Hit Pan On

Those are only SOME of what I'm planning on doing soon, including my long-awaited giveaway, but be sure to read my blog post about that to know the latest on what's happening with it! These videos are also subject to change in title/content ever so slightly. Hope that you're all excited to see these, and send me any feedback if you have comments or suggestions! Also, if there's one that you'd like to see sooner rather than later, please let me know so that can be arranged(: 

Happy October!(: 
P.S. It's almost the weekend, WAHOOO!

For my other links, visit my Youtube channel(:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Apply False Eyelashes!

I think this is one of the toughest things any guru can do, so I decided to give you guys an in depth guide to applying false lashes because it's something I didn't even understand until a few months ago. Did you know that Oprah has had false lashes made out of mink, and Jennifer Lopez got some made out of red fox for the Academy Awards!? Have no fear, the ones I use are synthetic fibers- I'm an animal lover, for goodness sakes! I honestly thought this video would be around 3-5 minutes...oops, guess it went a little over! But hopefully that extra time will teach you to know what you're doing!

Where Have I BEEN Lately?

So if you haven't noticed, my every-2-or-3-or-sometimes-if-I'm-really-busy-4-times a week upload schedule has been getting majorly screwed up lately! Over the summer I had so much more time to upload and edit tons of videos at once, which meant that I had more to upload. I also have a huge list of videos ready to upload at any given time, and now most of them are used up so I'm having to put a lot more work into what I do to produce the same amount of videos! I'm perfectly willing to do it, I just don't have the time lately.

Hopefully this will change shortly, but I feel bad having you guys wait every few nights for something new when I don't get around to it until the weekend! Some  nights I'm last Monday I had time to upload because I'd edited the night before! But for now I'm thinking don't count on anything more frequent than every 4 days, and I'm most likely going to only upload about once or twice a week, around weekends or Fridays/Mondays. 

Who knows though- I might get a miracle and have a bunch of time free up ( I'm almost done making up school work that I missed THREE WHOLE WEEKS ago when I was sick, so maybe that'll be a better time for videos!)

So now that you know the reasons and that my uploads won't be as frequent, which I feel super guilty and sad about, maybe now you'll know when to expect videos so you can make sure to see every single one! Hahahah(: You never know, right? For me, at least, I find it hard to keep up with my favorite youtubers when they're uploading every other day! Maybe that'll just be a summer thing for me- every other day, that is- because there's so much more free time for everyone to watch. I guess we're all busy now, so I hope no one minds this change of pace too much! 

I'll still be having my weekly twitter shoutout contests, so comment on the video I'm uploading as we speak to get exposure for your channel OR your tweets!

See you in my latest video,
Youtube: elleoenigma

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Fashion Lookbook!

Hey Angels, I just had so many outfits inspired by and perfect for fall that I filmed a video for all of them! Hope you enjoy this seasonal Lookbook, and let me know of any questions or requests you may have! If you want more style videos, let me know and I'll be happy to give them a try!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Getting Ready TAG: Permit Pictures Edition!

Hey Angels (get it…you guys all watch me, like Angels watch over you? Eh, eh? Hopefully it’ll catch on…) I was SO excited to go get my permit pictures taken the other day, and I made sure my makeup and hair were picture-perfect, and decided to film the whole process for you guys since it was a special day (and cause I love watching Getting Ready videos!) Fun fact: I took 23 minutes of film, and this took me a little over an hour to edit out completely! I hope you all enjoy, and let me know if you want more videos like these or if you have any requests! I had a lot of fun working on this one(:

P.S. I don’t usually get ready in that room so the mirror and camera situation was a little weird…oops! I thought I did a pretty good job for using the flip screen on my camera as a mirror for 80% of the makeup!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's Going on With My Vlog/Second Channel?

I was supposed to open a second channel for vlogs, singing, etc., when I hit 800 subs, BUT I haven't been able to think of a good enough name! I'm really not that excited about my beauty channel name so I want to make sure this one is something I can stick with! I have a moderator on my channel if you'd like to submit suggestions or vote on others. PLEASE DON'T SPAM IT! Half of the entries so far are spam, and that just makes me annoyed and want to block your channel, so keep it helpful please(:
So if anyone has ideas, get in contact with me somehow through my channel or Youtube Email: **If I choose your suggestion, I'll give you credit on the new channel in the About Me section- yay for free publicity for your channel!**
I would really like my name in my vlog channel, but it could also be something beauty-related I guess? And I don't want my beauty channel name in it either, so nothing like "otherelleoenigma" haha, that'd just be too confusing- I can barely even read what that says!
I'm really sorry for the delay, since I have plenty of vlog and singing videos ready to go up, just nowhere to put them! Please be patient, and I'll let everyone know the night it's created! I'm also considering doing my 700 sub giveaway on that channel too- WOW I am so behind! So sorry, but thank you all for your support.

 I'm still aiming for a thousand subs for Halloween, which is when I'm doing a ROOM TOUR! So if you're one of those viewers of mine that just can't wait for that video (the requests for it have just been absolutely pouring in), help to spread the word about my channel and please subscribe if you haven't already- it really helps me out and means a lot to me!

Ohkay, this is a long blog bad! I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I guess that's what Twitter is for(;
Have a beautiful day, Angels!
Youtube: elleoenigma
@photoholicgurli -> suggestions, questions, business inquiries. 

P.S. In case you're wondering, the point of this vlog channel is to keep personal videos more separate from my beauty channel, so that it can be more professional and keep to a common theme so that viewers know where to find a certain kind of video, and won't be annoyed with vlogs on the beauty channel! I feel like I can reach the right audiences that way. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to Be Justin Bieber for Halloween! (for Guys AND Girls)

Hey viewers, I came down with a case of Bieber Fever and had to make this tutorial based on my Halloween costume last year! I had a lot of fun making it and I think this is my most involved and was the hardest to edit video that I’ve ever done! It was certainly a huge project, so I hope you all enjoy and share this with your friends. Let me know if you try this look out, and have a Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 7, 2011

September Favorites + How to Win A Shoutout!

Worked really hard to get this video edited and up TONIGHT so that it wouldn't be too late to upload! I really hope everyone enjoys and takes advantage of the shoutout opportunity because I want to see how it works and I would love to see all of your lovely comments(:
Leave YOUR September favorites as video responses- those definitely make my day!
~Elle <3


Face and Hair of the day, as suggested by @laceysmiles84 on Twitter! She's been helping me with my Blogger tonight!
Been loving the straight hair look that I was too lazy and too hot to do during the summer & warm early fall.
My best friend gave me this scarf for my really doesn't go w/ my sweater at all except for the matching blue LOL.
Took this while I was locked out of my house and was going to tweet it but decided not to cause I'd already Twitpic'ed the crap out of everyone today!
If you have questions on the makeup, get in contact with me somehow(:
~Elle <3

Twitter Shoutouts!

Thought of a new idea that hopefully you'll all like and be able to participate in (relating to Twitter!)

So since it's a Friday, I did my usual #FF shoutouts using , where they recommend users for you to shoutout, and you pick among them.

But I thought that instead of doing that every week, (or maybe in addition to it? Let me know!) I could give a shoutout to whoever wins a shoutout from the best comments from my video during the week! Or...I could do a comment spotlight during my videos, featuring the best comments. 

I'm really just thinking through it, and all typed out it probably doesn't make much sense to you guys, LOL. But does anyone have any ideas?

Another Twitter "shoutout segment" I'd like to do on a weekly basis could be the Youtuber I'm liking the most, my favorite TV show people, as long as they have Twitters, and in addition, my #1 fan of the week! YES that's what I'll call it haha! Whoever sends fan mail, has the best comments on my channel, or on my videos, will win the third slot in my Twitter shoutout tweet!

If you'd like me to shoutout your Twitter, just do one of the things I mentioned above, and you'll be considered to be on my Friday "Favorites OTW" Tweet! 

Hope you all like this idea! If you're confused or think I need to make a video about it, just let me know (obviously through Twitter, but also through Youtube messages or my Youtube email, which will be listed below!)

Hope to hear your feedback, Tweethearts!

Elle Belle
@photoholicgurli on Twitter

Thursday, October 6, 2011

700/800 Subscriber Giveaway Update!

Hey everyone-
So I promised at 700 subscribers to do a giveaway, but shortly after hitting that goal I did some research and found some sites online that say that only Youtube Partners can do giveaways, otherwise you risk your account being taken down. It even says this in the Youtube handbook- but I've seen plenty of gurus on Youtube that aren't partners do giveaways. So...what gives? If anyone knows anything about this topic, PLEASE let me know on twitter, Youtube, or my Youtube email: because otherwise I'm really just stuck on what to do! I really need to keep my promise, and I have everything picked out and ready to go for the giveaway, but I really don't want to risk it!

My other issue is that I don't know what to put for a return address. I don't want my own address on there, but there's really nothing else you can do that would cooperate with the post offices! I've asked many of my guru friends and they say that either a) for sponsored giveaways the companies send the products themselves [however, mine isn't sponsored so that's not an option!], b) their family members shipped it for them, or c) they used their own address and had no problems, but I still feel shaky about that.

It is really important that I get parental permission before doing the giveaway, so I'm sorry for the delay but I really need to get past these issues before I can make the giveaway video! Please let me know if you have a solution for either of them, that would really help me out(:

In the meantime...thank you all SO much for 800 subscribers! That is so amazing and I'm so grateful that my viewers can help me to reach my goals. Please continue to support me and let me know what videos you would like to see!

Until later,
Elle <3

Wednesday, October 5, 2011