Friday, December 4, 2015

Awesome Makeup Transformation into Snapchat Filters | Boyfriend & Girlfriend GRWM | Halloween - The Products I Used

Hi all! 

The video I'm uploading today has got me SO EXCITED because during the 4-5 hours I spent editing (during which my editor crashed multiple times, giving me a heart attack!), I just fell in love with this video and how it came out!

For Halloween, my boyfriend and I did a couples' costume - we were each different Snapchat filters! I thought this was so funny and on trend, and perfect for us because we love Snapchat and I love going over the top with makeup on Halloween!

You read that right - this is a video of me doing my boyfriend's makeup! I filmed both of us getting into our makeup 'costumes,' so you also get to get ready with me as I transform into the puking rainbows filter haha. The makeup besides the rainbow is pretty everyday wearable, so you can just copy the steps I do for a pretty natural look as well! (However, I'm gonna have to go ahead and say that I don't recommend the possessed demon look for an everyday thing, but hey, you do you).

I think this video is so fun because it made me feel like a real artist, and I tried to make the whole video more of an art piece than anything else, with the soundtrack I spent a long time picking out and the cool fast motion. I hope you enjoy! 

Here's all the info you need to know about what products I used to create these awesome looks! I should also mention that I don't take credit for these looks, although I did interpret each one slightly based on what I had and / or felt like doing. 
It does take me quite awhile to list out every single product I used and find it or something similar online, so I do hope you check out this list of awesome tools and products I used!

Products Used:


►Black Halloween Grease Paint from CVS

►White Halloween Grease Paint from CVS


►Sephora Powder Brush (LE) 

►Sephora Small Powder Brush (LE) 

►Sephora Angled Liner Brush (LE) 

►{lots of other eye brushes - if you want to know any, ask me in a comment!}

             MY REVIEW

►Rainbow Colors: Creme Makeup Palette from CVS Halloween Makeup Set

►Glitter Gel from CVS Halloween Makeup Set

Thank you so much for reading and watching! Please don't forget to give my video a like, leave me comments, share it with your friends, and to subscribe to my Youtube channel for more beauty videos like this!
xox, Elle