Friday, October 4, 2013

Review: Sargento Cheese Snacks (Influenster Voxbox item)

Hi everyone! 

Recently I signed up for the Chowhound badge on their site, and soon after, Influenster sent me a voucher for a free Sargento cheese snack pack, and a $1 off coupon for another one. Watch my unboxing haul, that I uploaded to my second channel (where I always upload videos about my Influenster Voxboxes unless they're beauty related, in which case they'll be on my main beauty channel!). You can watch it here so you know what the heck I'm talking about for this review! (I couldn't get it to embed, wahh :/ )

It took me forever to get to a grocery store (sigh, #collegeprobs), but when I finally did, I picked up the Reduced Fat Sharp Cheddar snacks. You get 12 sticks, that are 60 calories each, in a pack that was about $4.50 at my grocery store, which is kind of pricey, but I'd been reading good reviews on the Influenster site, so I was pumped to try them nonetheless.

Now, I'm a little weird with my cheese- I only recently have really gotten to like it, and the only types I really like enough to buy sticks of it are sharp cheddar, so I was in luck that these were still there! My grocery store didn't have that great a selection- Sargento snacks also come in Thins now, which are thin sandwich slices, and all sorts of other shapes including string cheese, but I only saw these and the mozzarella ones at my Stop & Shop. Oh well, I was still happy. 

Anyways, I've been trying these sticks in about a billion different types of snacks- above, I just melted some into some Tostitos Scoops for perfect little bite-size nachos. I also melted some onto some Clubhouse crackers last night after cutting the snacks into little strips, popped it in the microwave for about 30 seconds, and they were soooo good I went back and made seconds!

The cheese, because it's low fat, is a harder consistency than what you would expect- most other cheeses are soft and more gooey (says my dad, who I had taste test one of these so I would have more opinions to blog about. He really liked them...I'm a little nervous for the rest of my population of these, while he's around and they're in the fridge!) They melt as well as other cheeses though, and the packaging, although a little tricky to open at times, makes it totally portable and perfect for on-the-go protein. They're really high in calcium and protein, and are promoted as being a healthy snack. 

About, if not more than, half of my bag is already gone because I've been trying them out like crazy. They're not very salty, so in some combinations they're a little hard to taste, but they definitely have a sharpness to them. I really do like them, even though I'm SUPER picky with the sharpness of my cheeses. Here's another combo I tried the other day- 

I melted just one stick onto already half-toasted wheat bread, after I cut it up into cubes. After it was melted, I just spread it all over the bread like it was butter, and had it for breakfast with some sliced apples. I've been posting a lot of these snack ideas on my new Pinterest board, called Nutrition, and have been really inspired by it and a few other things lately to start snacking and eating more healthy. Check it out, and feel free to follow, repin, and like my posts, since I've been posting on there often:

Overall, these have a great flavor, the packaging and sizes are a really great idea, and I like them a lot for making snacks! They're pretty good for you too, which makes them a snack that rests lightly on your conscience. I love my cheese, and I think these are really good, which is saying a lot! They're kind of pricey, but worth it overall. I really do #ChooseSargentoCheese! These are a great product and *surprisingly* I'll probably continue to buy them when I get the chance in the future! (I just wish they were sold at CVS so I have access to them on campus, and not just when I come home! Bottom line: get these for sale in more places, Sargento!)

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! Here are some other Influenster videos, in case you're interested as to what the whole thing is about! Hmm...I'll have to do a blog post all about it in the future, now that I'm getting back into the habit of using my blog! Let me know in the comments or on Twitter if you'd be interested in that, and let me know if you'd like an invite! I believe I have 3 left...?


Thank you all so much for reading! I'm really glad that you found my blog and took the time to read my review. Have you tried Sargento snacks? Do you use Influenster? Let me know!

xox Elle

Disclaimer: This was product was sent to me for review purposes from Influenster. All opinions are honest and my own. I was not otherwise compensated for this review. 

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