Friday, October 7, 2011


Face and Hair of the day, as suggested by @laceysmiles84 on Twitter! She's been helping me with my Blogger tonight!
Been loving the straight hair look that I was too lazy and too hot to do during the summer & warm early fall.
My best friend gave me this scarf for my really doesn't go w/ my sweater at all except for the matching blue LOL.
Took this while I was locked out of my house and was going to tweet it but decided not to cause I'd already Twitpic'ed the crap out of everyone today!
If you have questions on the makeup, get in contact with me somehow(:
~Elle <3


  1. You are so welcome for the help. Any questions you have, just let me know!

  2. awh, thank you sweetheart! I just need help with the layout and formatting I make it look more professional!
