Saturday, June 28, 2014

Brain Dump! I'm BAAAACK, so let's catch up!

Whoa whoa whoa now, it's been many a month since I blogged regularly- I was really in the swing of things in December when I was constantly posting about my experience being on a college campus on crutches / in a wheelchair, and my daily experiences in physical therapy (which, as it later turned out, is quite the place to meet people you later end up dating...) And although it's a blessing to be up and walking again, in a weird way, I kind of miss certain things about that chunk of my life! Then I figured that I was probably just missing blogging, so I thought I'd make a mini comeback.

With my super crazy summer work schedule, I make no promises about keeping up with posts, but I'll see what I can do (;

I thought I'd start with a weird combo of Tuesday Thoughts/ What I'm Loving Wednesday / the other types of posts I used to do on here, but let's just call it a brain dump because I have no idea what's going to come out...the only rule as far as I'm concerned is that it should relate to the topics I used to blog about and ones I hope to blog about in the coming weeks!

1) First off, can I just talk about how bummed I am that although I qualified for the Influenster Spring Voxbox, I never got it because I guess it got lost in the mail?! They keep sending me emails about it, and it looks like it was jam packed with the kind of beauty goodies I'd be overjoyed to receive, and each email just bums me out more and more. Not fair!!! There go a bunch of blog post and video ideas I was thinking of....

2) Random, but the Spotify playlist I'm listening to while posting this is called "Strangers" by RAC. It came out in 2014 and apparently it's an album, but it looks like a compilation of a bunch of different artists. It's very mellow and cheery and perfect for writing! Take note, you creative, hipster souls looking for coffee shop playlists to accompany your poetry!

3) Speaking of Spotify playlists I'm loving, as I've been doing the past few months, I made a June 2014 Favorite Songs playlist (although to be honest, I've been listening to my May Favorites more than the ones for this month! Ha!) that I need to share in my June 2014 Faves video for my beauty channel, if I ever get a chance to film it! I suppose I could do it today, but my room is still in shambles from putting in my air conditioner, and I've yet to gather all of my favorites together. These favorites videos are quite a process, as I'm sure my fellow beauty gurus empathize with!

4) I left my coffee downstairs. It was only half a cup because that's all that was left in the carafe :/ I guess my parents really hit it hard this morning! Like mother/father, like daughter, I guess....

5) Pssst, let me let you in on a little secret- I filmed a College Dorm Room Tour video the day before I moved out (sooooo over a month ago now) that I haven't had the chance to edit yet, so if you're subscribed to my beauty channel on Youtube (which I really hope you are because I kind of, you know, pour my heart and soul into - you can go straight to it by typing into your browser) you can look forward to that in the coming weeks! I've never done any type of room tour on my channel before, although they're highly requested, so this is a first for us all :)

6) I've been trying to redo and redecorate my room this summer, so if you have any good room cleaning or decorating tips or inspiration, or even a good Youtube video on it (I know I've used The 'Tube as a major source so far in my process), please send it my way, either as a comment to this post or through some other kind of social media: my Twitter is @photoholicgurli, my YT email is, and my Instagram is elleohelle86.

Let me know if you like this kind of post- I figured conversational updates on my life are the way most bloggers run their blogs, so we'll catch up little bits and pieces at a time. This post was long enough, so I'll continue with all of the news in my beauty guru / new planner enthusiast life in another post on another day! I have most of tomorrow off, so I could be back sooner than you think!

Thanks for reading!
xox, Elle

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