Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday Tidbits

I just got back to my room a few minutes ago- I have been go go go all day! Class, then showing up super early for physical therapy and having an appointment for almost an hour, and then another class!

This week I seem to be starting all of my weekly post series- last night was Monday Night Musings, which you can read here. Today is Tuesday Tidbits, instead of Tuesday Troubles like my blogging idol, RamblingsofASuburbanMom.com, did today, since last night's post was kind of more complain-y, and two in a row of those would just be obnoxious.

So here are my tidbits for so far this Tuesday! Enjoy!

~I posted about how my friend group and I went out to dinner for Miranda's birthday last night, and here's an artsy picture I took when we were at the bus stop, waiting in the freezing cold (I quite liked it): 

~I did super well in physical therapy today. It was my first time going to the on-campus office, and can I just point out how disturbing it was that they have a "Wall of Pain" with pictures of bruises that look like galaxies, and something that looked like a gunshot wound?!!?
Anyways, they had me putting weight on my bum foot, and by the time I left, I could almost walk on it without my Aircast boot, and walk with the help of my crutches and the boot. When I got to my room, I could actually limp a little on my heel when I was wearing the boot. This is super exciting, because all I want is to be able to walk again! Being so co-dependent and helpless is driving me crazy!!!

~On another note....I'm pretty sure that all of the Public Safety officers that drive me to all of my classes think my name is Ella...not Elle. Awk. I thought they all just had weird accents and said my name weird, but now when I call to ask for a ride they're like "oh, this must be Ella!" So I just say yes because it's just too late to correct them now without me looking really dumb. Whoops. Cringe.

~I have so many videos to film, and it will probably only be light for another two hours! I should probably get ready or something, or just edit some older video files I have just hanging out in my iMovie to make up for the upload gap. BTW I'll be uploading my newest Voxbox unboxing video in about an hour, so I'll post it RIGHT HERE when it's up so you can all check it out! It's one of my favorites to date- and then I'll have all of the products to blog about, because my posts won't be spoilers anymore (: I'll also have to update my post with my complete list of Influenster programs- so much to do, so much to do!

~I haven't had any caffeine so far today, and didn't have any yesterday (which eventually resulted in a mild headache, but I couldn't take anything for it because I had already taken Ibuprofen for my foot/ankle! arghh >:( ) I should really get on that...but half the battle is always choosing what to drink, since I have such a hoard of K-cups and coffee grounds and tea bags by now. I'm not complaining at all though, this is like heaven for a caffeine lover like myself <3 I have lots to do in real life and on the Internet today, so I'd better get that coffee pumpin' in me! 

~I always forget about eBates! Miranda was just about to order things online from Sephora, and then I told her to check out eBates first! I can do another post kind of explaining it sometime, but basically you get a percentage of cash back when you shop online, and a lot of times they have coupon codes or codes for free products, in Sephora's case. You can check it out here.

I hope you guys enjoyed - if you want to do this post too and put your link in the comments, I would be more than happy to check it out! It can be like a mini link-up until I figure out the technology to do a real bull blown one!

Thank you all for reading! What kind of post should I do next? I've really got the bloggin' bug this week!

xox, Elle
Youtube Beauty Guru & Blogger

FTC: This post includes a referral link. This is not sponsored post and I'm not being paid or told to talk about the website.

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